Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I am a south-American, from Colombia. As other people coming from my region I have African heritage, actually my city had a huge influence from Africa, (Cartagena). In my country (and I think all around the region) the African component had been forgotten. For example, when I was in high school I didnt learn much about it but I remember we had relatively more about indigenous aspects.

Even though, Now days I can perceive more intellectual and cultural interest on the African part that contribute to the formation of latin-american culture.

In the other hand, we only hear bad news about the black continent, aids and poverty its the first thing that people would imagine when Africa is mentioned. therefore I did a little web research about positive characteristics and I found some great heroes that fought and tried to make a difference and a better place of it. (I must thank to my friend sully who introduce me to learn more about Africa)

Thomas Sankara

this month is commemorated 21 years of his death. He had a impact not only in Burkina Faso, all over Africa.

Sankara was a revolutionary fighter, opposing to the colonialism and imperalism. He became primer minister of his nation, Bukhara Faso on 1983. He had unique actions as a leader. He emphasized on the need of revolutionary methods created by african people to obtain a real independency from powerful countries and a self-control economic development. He defended human rights, women rights, environmental factor and health aspects.

A year after he started his mandate "2.5 million children were immunized for several infectious diseases and even children from neighbouring countries were vaccinated."(1) It was the first time Africa having a massive vaccination campaign.

Sankara paid carefully attention to gender discrimination. During his period there was more women in government posts than before. Sankara had the great idea to make men realize about the importance of women work at home and he also wanted to demonstrated that it was not only a matter of women it also could be done by men, declaring "a day of solidarity with housewives and forced men to go to market and take responsibility for household duties."(2)

Sankara was defined as a simple person, he didn't like any luxury object. He decided to sell a Mercedes-Benz fleet that were property of the government, and buy some Renault that were more reasonable. (3)

Furthermore, Thomas Sankara was killed on October 15 1987. his organization The National Revolutionary Council (NRC) was not strong enough, it was not united, that leaded to divide members of the government. Also, THomas Sankara willing to improve faster took some decisions that later he recognized as mistakes. This was the perfect opportunity for the opponent group that made part of his same organization NRC to declare him as a threat and kill him afterwards.

“Sankara’s revolution was simple: work more, spend less and spend better, produce more, be concerned with the priority needs of the country. He said ’our revolution is and must be permanent; the collective action of the revolutionaries to transform reality and improve the concrete situation of the popular masses our country. Our revolution will only have a value, if, looking back, we will be able to say that the people of Burkina are a little happier because they have clean drinking water, sufficient food, good health, education, decent housing and more freedom, more democracy, more dignity. Our revolution will have a right to exist if it can answer these questions concretely.” (4) http://www.thomassankara.net/article.php3?id_article=0526

In other words, this hero sacrificed his life and left his legacy to make people realize the importance of teamwork and unity, that’s the most important lesson African should practice!!

I think the blame of the multiples issues in Africa is not only on others (they have an influence). the main problem is that Africa hasn't awake and its people haven't seen the potential. Africa is able to act as united force, it doesn’t matter whether the super powerful countries want to impose their rules, they wont be able to defeat a united Africa!


(1)The true visionary Thomas Sankara -[en] - Wednesday 27 February 2008 http://www.thomassankara.net/article.php3?id_article=0527

(2) Ibid


(4) Burkina Faso: Thomas Sankara - Chronicle of an Organised Tragedy - by Cheriff M. Sy -[en] - Saturday 9 February 2008http://www.thomassankara.net/article.php3?id_article=0527

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